Christian Doppler Laboratory for

Superimposed Mechanical-Environmental Ageing of Polymeric Hybrid Laminates


Selected Publications of CDL-AgePol

Peer-review papers 

Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Development of a fracture-mechanics based fatigue testing method for epoxy/electrical steel laminates with thin adhesive layer, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 258, 108045 (j.engfracmech.2021.108045).

Marchfelder, C., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Brüggemann, O., Aufray, M. (2022). Effect of epoxy structure on properties of waterborne coatings and electrical steel laminates, Polymers, 14 (8), 1556 (polym14081556).

Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Strauß, B., Fluch, R. (2022). Temperature dependent fatigue crack growth in electrical steel laminates with μm-thick epoxy layers, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 267, 108416 (j.engfracmech.2022.108416).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R., Säckl, G., Dauskardt, R.H. (2022a). Methodology for local ageing and damage development characterization of solar glass/encapsulant interfaces under superimposed fatigue stresses and environmental influences, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 248, 112017 (j.solmat.2022.112017).

Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2022b). Development and implementation of a simultaneous fatigue crack growth test setup for polymeric hybrid laminates, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 108468 (j.engfracmech.2022.108468).

Säckl, G., Duchoslav, J., Pugstaller, R., Marchfelder, C., Haselgrüber, K., Aufray, M., Stifter, D., Wallner, G.M. (2022). The interaction of waterborne epoxy/dicyandiamide varnishes with metal oxides, Polymers, 14 (11), 2226 (polym14112226).

Wallner, G.M., Adothu, B., Pugstaller, R., Costa, F.R., Mallick, S. (2022). Comparison of Crosslinking Kinetics of UV-Transparent Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymer and Polyolefin Elastomer Encapsulants, Polymers, 14 (7), 1441 (polym14071441).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Grabmann, M., Nitsche, D. (2022). Long-term behaviour of welded polypropylene liners for pit thermal energy storages, Journal of Energy Storage, 50, 104689 (j.est.2022.104698).

Säckl, G., Arndt, M., Duchoslav, J., Groiss, H., Steineder, K., Stifter, D. (2022). Quantification of the carbon content of single grains in martensite-ferrite dual phase steel by UHV-EDXS, Materials Charaterization, 189, 111998 (j.matchar.2022.111998).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Grabmann, M., Beißmann, S. (2023). Temperature dependent degradation of phenolic stabilizers and ageing behaviour of PP-R micro-specimen, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 211, 110311 (j.polymdegradstab.2023.110311).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R., Dauskardt, R.H. (2023). Environment assisted cyclic fatigue crack growth testing of polymer/inorganic laminates under strain energy release rate control, International Journal of Fatigue, 173, 107676 (j.ijfatigue.2023.107676).

Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R. (2023). Effect of global damp heat ageing on debonding of crosslinked EVA- and POE-glass laminates, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 264, 112602 (j.solmat.2023.112602).

Marchfelder, C., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2024). Effect of adhesion promoters on rheokinetics and roll peel strength of electrical steel stacks, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 134, 103789 (j.ijadhadh.2024.103789).

Ninou Codina, M., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R., Riedl, G., Strauß, B., Rosner, M. (2024). Improvement of the environmental fatigue resistance of epoxy-based electrical steel laminates by pre-treatment of the substrate, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 134, 103788 (j.ijadhadh.2024.103788).

Riedl, G., Haselsteiner, P., Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M. (2024a). Environmental fatigue crack growth of PV glass/EVA laminates in the melting range, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 1-13 (pip.3800).

Riedl, G., Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M. (2024b). Modelling the non-isothermal curing kinetics of peroxide crosslinking polyolefin copolymers for photovoltaic module lamination, Polymer Testing, 133, 108403 (j.polymertesting.2024.108403).

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Tiefenthaler, M., Stifter, D. (2024a). Advanced analysis of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer materials for photovoltaic modules, Polymer Testing, 132, 108381 (j.polymertesting.2024.108381).

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Tiefenthaler, M., Stifter, D. (2024b). XPS analysis of damp heat aged and fractured polymer/glass laminates, Polymer Testing, 140, 108617 (j.polymertesting.2024.108617).

Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M., Säckl, G, Costa, F. (2024). Effect of UV ageing on debonding of double glass laminates based on different crosslinking and thermoplastic PV encapsulants, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 1-10 (j.solmat.2024.112965).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Nitsche, D. (2024). Deterioration of Polypropylene Random Copolymer Formulations Based on Phenolic Antioxidants and Non-Phenolic Stabilizers at Elevated Temperatures in Hot Air, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, e56509, 1-14. (app.56509).

Riedl, G., Baldi, F., Wallner, G.M. (2025). A slope-based J-integral approach and advanced image processing for assessment of the cyclic fatigue delamination behavior of adhesive joints, International Journal of Fatigue, 192, 108730 (j.ijfatigue.2024.108730).

Leidlmair, D., Duchoslav, J., Keppert, S., Mayr, G., Pedarnig, J.D., Groiss, H., Strauß, B., Wallner, G.M., Stifter, D. (2025). Comparative study on taper preparation techniques for direct internal structure analysis of organic coatings applied on galvanized steel, Polymer Testing, 143, 108716 (j.polymertesting.2025.108716).

Säckl, G., Riedl, G., Duchoslav, J., Marchfelder, C., Aufray, M., Stifter, D., Wallner, G.M. (2025). Metal laminates based on waterborne epoxy varnishes – chemical interactions and effect on fatigue crack growth kinetics, Progress in Organic Coatings, 200, 109104.

Talks at conferences 

Wallner, G.M. (2020). Functional Polymeric Materials, XXXIV Congress of Chemical Engineering Students, University of San Carlos de Guatemala, online, October 1.

Wallner, G.M., Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R. (2020). Local Ageing Testing of Polymer/Metal-Laminates under Superimposed Mechanical and Environmental Loads – Methodology and Characteristics of EVSi/Aluminum Laminates, Polymers, Plastics and Composites – PPC-2020 Webinar, October 21-22.

Wallner, G.M., Marchfelder, C., Pugstaller, R., Brüggemann, O. (2021). Advanced Characterization of Electrical Steel Laminates Based on Water-Borne Epoxy Varnishes, Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), Graz, August 30 – September 2. (invited; book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R., Riedl, G., Ninou Codina M., Marchfelder, C. (2021). Superimposed mechanical-environmental durability of steel/epoxy-laminates with thin adhesive layers – Fracture mechanics test methodology, 1st virtual ESIS TC4 Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, September 28-29 (invited; book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Arndt, M., Duchoslav, J., Groiss, H., Steineder, K., Wallner, G., Stifter, D. Quantification of the carbon content of single grains in martensite-ferrite dual phase steel by UHV-EDXS, Conference on Surface and Solid State Analytics AOFKA 2021, Freiberg (Chemnitz), October 06-08 (book of abstracts).

Marchfelder, C., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G., Brüggemann, O. (2021). Development and characterization of water-borne model epoxy varnishes for thin coating layers on electrical steel, 13th European Adhesion Conference EURADH 2021, online, October 11-14 (book of abstracts).

Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Temperature dependent fatigue crack growth in electrical steel laminates with micrometer-thick epoxy layers, 13th European Adhesion Conference EURADH 2021, online, October 11-14 (book of abstracts).

Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Local ageing and delamination performance of EVSi/aluminium-laminates under superimposed mechanical and environmental loads, 13th European Adhesion Conference EURADH 2021, online, October 11-14 (book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M. (2021). Superimposed mechanical-environmental durability of polymeric hybrid laminates, 13th European Adhesion Conference EURADH 2021, online, October 11-14 (Keynote; book of abstracts).

Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2022). Debonding of encapsulant/glass laminates in hot/humid environment – evaluation of UV-transparent EVA and POE, 12th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics SiliconPV 2022, Konstanz, March 28 – April 1 (incl. proceedings, currently published with AIP).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Grabmann, M., Nitsche, D. (2022). Novel PP liner material for giga-scale storages – Long-term performance and lifetime assessment, 2nd International Sustainable Energy Conference, Graz, April 5 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Duchoslav, J., Pugstaller, R., Marchfelder, C., Stifter, D., Wallner, G.M. (2022). Interface analysis of epoxy varnishes on different metal oxides by cryo-ULAM and XPS, European Conference on Application of Surface and Interface Analysis, Limerick, May 29 – June 3 (book of abstracts).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Grabmann, M., Nitsche, D. (2022). Global ageing behaviour of a polypropylene random copolymer geomembrane with phenolic antioxidants, GEOANZ #1 Advances in Geosynthetics, Brisbane, June 7 – 9.

Säckl, G., Duchoslav, J., Pugstaller, R., Marchfelder, C., Stifter, D., Wallner, G.M. (2022). An interaction study of epoxy varnishes with different metal oxides, Global Advanced Materials & Surfaces, Paris, June 15 – 17 (book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R., Riedl, G., Marchfelder, C., Costa, F.R., Strauß, B. (2022). Durability of Polymeric/Inorganic Hybrid Laminates for Renewable Energy Technologies, Salzburg Conference for Smart Materials, September 12 – 14 (Keynote; book of abstracts).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R. (2022). Highly Accelerated Durability Testing of Encapsulant/PV Module Interfaces by Superposition of Cyclic Mechanical Stresses and Environmental Influences, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Milano, September 26 – 30 (incl. proceedings).

Wallner, G.M., Ninou Codina, M., Pugstaller, R., Riedl, G. (2022). Superimposed mechanical-environmental durability of laminates based on polymeric adhesives and inorganic substrates, Adhesion 2022, Glasgow, September 28 – 30 (book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Tiefenthaler, M., Stifter, D. (2023). XPS analysis of ethylene-based encapsulants and damp heat aged fractured glass laminate surfaces, Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International Conference, Lisbon, April 26 – 28 (book of abstracts).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R. (2023). Novel SERR-controlled environmental fatigue test methodology for adhesive-bonded laminates, 15th International Conference on Fracture, Atalanta, June 11 – 16 (book of abstracts).

Ninou, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Strauß, B. (2023). The role of substrate pre-treatment on the envrionmental fatigue resistance of hybrid electrical steel laminates, 7th International Conference on Adhesive Bonding 2023, Porto, July 13 – 14 (book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M. (2023). Ethylene Copolymers – Tailor-made materials and laminates for solution of the energy crisis, Polymer Meeting 15, Bratislava, September 4 – 7 (Keynote; book of abstracts).

Marchfelder, C., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Reischauer, M. (2023). Characterization of the crosslinking kinetics and laminate properties of silane modified epoxy coatings for electrical steel stacks, Polymer Meeting 15, Bratislava, September 4 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Tiefenthaler, M., Stifter, D. (2023). Characterization of ethylene-based encapsulants and their degradation products after damp heat exposure by XPS, Polymer Meeting 15, Bratislava, September 4 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Grabmann, M., Beißmann, S. (2023). Monitoring the pathway of temperature dependent degradation of phenolic stabilizers in PP-R by FTIR spectroscopy, Polymer Meeting 15, Bratislava, September 4 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M., Haselsteiner, P., Riedl, G., Säckl, G., Pugstaller, R. (2023). Environmental fatigue crack growth behavior of double glass laminates adhesively bonded with a peroxide-cured EVA elastomer, EURADH & WCARP 2023, Garmischpartenkirchen, September 10 – 13 (book of abstracts).

Ninou Codina, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Strauß, B. (2023). Effect of temperature and pH on fatigue crack growth and ageing of electrical steel laminates in water-based heat carrier fluids, EURADH & WCARP 2023, Garmischpartenkirchen, September 10 – 13 (book of abstracts).

Marchfelder, C., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2023). Effect of silane adhesion promoters on the crosslinking kinetics of water-borne epoxy varnish systems and the mechanical strength of electrical steel laminates, EURADH & WCARP 2023, Garmischpartenkirchen, September 10 – 13 (book of abstracts).

Wetzel, H., Peham, L., Sørensen, P.A., Wallner, G.M. (2023). Polyolefinic geosynthetics as key components in future energy systems – a case study and perspective, 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Rome, September 17 – 21 (incl. proceedings).

Wallner, G.M. (2023). Energizing polymers – Tailor-made plastics for renewable energy technologies, LIT Factory Symposium 2023, Linz, September 19.

Wallner, G.M. (2023). Superimposed Mechanical-Environmental Ageing of Polymeric Hybrid Laminates, 9. Christian Doppler Forum 2023, Vienna, September 20 (invited).

Riedl, G. (2023). Environmental cyclic fatigue testing under strain energy release rate control – Delamination kinetics of steel/epoxy and glass/polyolefin laminates, ESIS TC4 Meeting, Twente, September 28 – 29 (incl. proceedings).

Riedl, G. (2024). Fatigue crack growth testing of polymer/inorganic laminates at constant strain energy release rates, 9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Les Diablerets, March 24 – 27.

Wallner, G.M. (2024). Fatigue crack growth kinetics of glass/EVA laminates within the melting range of the crosslinked, semicrystalline adhesive, 9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Les Diablerets, March 24 – 27.

Wallner, G.M., Marchfelder, C., Riedl, G., Säckl, G., Duchoslav, J., Stifter, D. (2024). Interactions of polymeric varnishes & materials with metal (oxide) surfaces, Conference on Applied Surface Technology, Vienna, May 6 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M., Marchfelder, C., Riedl, G., Säckl, G., Duchoslav, J., Stifter, D. (2024). Interactions of polymeric varnishes & materials with metal (oxide) surfaces, Conference on Applied Surface Technology, Vienna, May 6 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Leidlmair, D., Duchoslav, J., Mayr, G., Groiss, H., Strauß, B., Wallner, G.M., Stifter, D. (2024). Comparative study on advanced preparation techniques for internal structure analysis of organic coatings, European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Gothenborg, June 9 – 14 (book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Marchfelder, C., Stifter, D. (2024). Interactions of a latent curing agent and metal oxides – relation of pH of the varnish and isoelectric point of surfaces, European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Gothenborg, June 9 – 14 (book of abstracts).

Riedl, G., Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M. (2024). Non-isothermal curing kinetics model for lamination of EVA or POE based double glass PV modules, IEEE PVSC 52, Seattle, June 9 – 14 (incl. proceedings).

Tiefenthaler, M. (2024). Multifunktionale Kunststoff-Hybridlaminate für die Elektromobilität, ZwickRoell Road Show @ LIT Factory, Linz, June 18 – 19.

Wallner, G.M. (2024). Ageing of Polymeric Materials and Hybrid Laminates – Superimposed Environmental & Mechanical Behavior, Appointment Lecture, Linz, June 25.

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Tiefenthaler, M., Stifter, D. (2024). Degradation of photovoltaic encapsulation materials at the glass/polymer interface, European Corrosion Congress, Paris, September 1 – 5 (book of abstracts).

Marchfelder, C., Wallner, G.M., Reischauer, M., Strauß, B. (2024). Effect of corrosion inhibitor based pretreatment layers on the mechanical properties of electrical steel stacks, 16th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, Oxford, September 4 – 9 (book of abstracts).

Ninou Codina, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Säckl, G., Strauß, B. (2024). Impact of temperature and pH on delamination and aging of electrical steel laminates in water-based heat carrier fluids, 16th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives, Oxford, September 4 – 9 (book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M. (2024). Development and characterization of polymeric adhesives and hybrid laminates for solar energy technologies and electric mobility, 14th Arab International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, Cairo, September 7 – 9 (invited lecture; book of abstracts).

Wallner, G.M., Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R. (2024). Mitigation of edge compression in glass-glass modules by local pre-crosslinking of the encapsulant, 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, September 23 – 27 (incl. proceedings).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M. (2024). Superimposed environmental & mechanical fracture mechanics testing of hybrid laminates, ESIS Austria Meeting, Leoben, October 3 (invited).

Posters at conferences 

Ninou Codina, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Influence of processing con-ditions on crack growth kinetics of electrical steel/epoxy laminates, Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), Graz, August 30 – September 2 (book of abstracts).

Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Superimposed mechanical-environmental ageing of electrical steel laminates under hot-dry and -humid conditions, Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), Graz, August 30 – September 2 (book of abstracts).

Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Development and implementation of a simultaneous fatigue crack growth testing system for polymeric hybrid laminates, Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), Graz, August 30 – September 2 (book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Peham, L., Pugstaller, R., Stifter, D., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Polymer/metal-laminates – investigation of metal passivation layer thickness and the interaction with epoxy varnishes, Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), Graz, August 30 – September 2 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Compressive shear behaviour of polymer-glass laminates – Comparison of peroxide-crosslinked EVA and POE en-capsulants, Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14), Graz, August 30 – September 2 (book of abstracts).

Adothu, B., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R., Tiefenthaler, M., Costa, F.R., Mallick, S. (2021). Crosslinking Kinetics of Photovoltaic Module Encapsulants – Investigation of selected EVA and POE Grades, EU PVSEC 2021, 4AV.1.35, online, September 6 – 10 (incl. proceedings).

Riedl, G., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Costa, F.R. (2021). Novel test methodology for characterization of fatigue delamination resistance of glass/glass modules on specimen level, EU PVSEC 2021, 4AV.1.10, online, September 6 – 10.

Ninou Codina, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Effect of curing time on fatigue crack growth kinetics of model electrical steel laminates, EURADH 2021, DURA #108, online, October 11 – 14 (book of abstracts).

Peham, L., Habegger, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2021). Soft adhesives for barrier laminates – Implementation of a testing device and evaluation of ageing beha-viour, EURADH 2021, SOFT #103, online, October 11 – 14 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Costa, F.R. (2021). Advanced com-pressive shear testing and in-situ failure analysis of glass-laminates, EURADH 2021, BOND #128, online, October 11 – 14 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2022). Damp heat ageing behavior of glass/encapsulant laminates – systematic comparison of EVA and POE encapsulants, 12th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics SiliconPV 2022, Konstanz, Germany, March 28 – April 1 (incl. proceedings).

Peham, L., Wallner, G.M., Grabmann, M., Nitsche, D. (2022). Novel PP liner materials for giga-scale storages – Long-term performance and lifetime assessment, The International Sustainable Energy Conference ISEC 2022, Graz, Austria, April 5 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Säckl, G., Arndt, M., Duchoslav, J., Groiss, H., Steineder. K., Wallner, G.M., Stifter, D. (2022). Carbon mapping and quantification by UHV-EDXS, 12th ASEM workshop, Linz, Austria, April 21 – 22 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M. (2022). Temperature dependent compressive shear behavior – shear angle analysis of glass-EVA laminates, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Milano, Italy, September 26 – 30 (incl. proceedings).

Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R. (2023). The Effects of Global Damp Heat Ageing on Debonding of Polyolefin Glass Laminates, IEEE PVSC 50, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 11 – 16 (incl. proceedings).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M., Pugstaller, R. (2023). Novel approach to control environmental fatigue tests on glass/PV encapsulant laminates, IEEE PVSC 50, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 11 – 16 (incl. proceedings).

Riedl, G., Wallner, G.M. (2023). Crosslinking kinetics and adhesion properties of polyolefin elastomers for photovoltaic module encapsulation, Polymer Meeting 15 (PM15), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Ninou, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Strauß, B., Fluch, R. (2023). Improved envrionmental fatigue resistance of electrical vehicle laminates by substrate pre-treatment, Polymer Meeting 15 (PM15), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M., Säckl, G. (2023). Failure mechanisms of aged glass laminates based on polar ethylene copolymer adhesives, Polymer Meeting 15 (PM15), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M., Säckl, G. (2023). Damp heat ageing behavior of double glass laminates adhesively bonded with peroxide-curing ethylene copolymers, EURADH & WCARP 2023, Garmischpartenkirchen, Germany, September 10 – 13 (book of abstracts).

Ninou, M., Pugstaller, R., Wallner, G.M., Strauß, B. (2023). Improvement of the environmental fatigue resistance of hybrid electrical steel laminates by pre-treatment of the substrate, EURADH & WCARP 2023, Garmischpartenkirchen, Germany, September 10 – 13 (book of abstracts).

Tiefenthaler, M., Wallner, G.M., Watzinger, L. (2023). Damp heat and UV ageing behavior of double glass laminates based on UV-transparent EVA and POE, EU PVSEC 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, September 18 – 22 (incl. proceedings).

Riedl, G., Wolfslehner, M., Wallner, G.M. (2023). Development of a non-isothermal curing kinetics model for encapsulants in PV modules, EU PVSEC 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, September 18 – 22 (incl. proceedings).

Säckl, G., Wallner, G.M., Duchoslav, J., Tiefenthaler, M., Stifter, D. (2023). XPS analysis of photovoltaic EVA encapsulants and interfacial damp heat degradation products, Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 5 – 7 (book of abstracts).

Huemer, M., Wallner, G.M., Brandstätter, A. (2024). Formulation and UV ageing behavior of colored, thermoplastic encapsulants for double glass photovoltaic modules, 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, September 23 – 27 (incl. proceedings).